Advanced leadership
for a new generation.
Transform your culture and mindset to adjust to modern needs, such as human connection, psychological safety, creativity, and radical self-awareness.
Whether you're after a ready-to-go engagement or a custom-designed programme, we'll tailor the perfect experience based on your needs. And each one deeply rooted in strategic integration.
Conscious Coaching
Online Webinars
Leadership Programmes
FQ Membership
Speaking Events
Thinking Partner
Meet Simone Berger
Behavioural Specialist and Coach
Simone Berger is the founder of Univation, a future-led agency that designs compelling experiences and programmes that develop future-flexible leaders and increased consciousness. Her speciality areas include creative thinking, flow, polycrisis agility, mindfulness, vision-building, self-mastery, and inner resilience.
Simone’s background is television and brand strategy. There, she headed up some great brands such as Cell C black, SABC1, and Econet Media. She brings these high engagement tactics, such as the power of storytelling, into every programme she runs.
Her unique creative thinking process has been published in an academic journal called Action Design, together with the University of Pretoria. Simone's unique way of working centres around more systemic methods of thinking, to harmonise the whole system in every part.
Univation's offering is backed by neuroscience, ancient wisdom, quantum physics, and a host of methodologies including Consciousness Coaching, NLP, U-Lab, Mindfulness, and Enneagram Typology.
Univation's aim is to support leaders to increase their Future Intelligence (FQ) by shifting their core thinking, approach, and perception levels. Cultivating a more conscious, human-driven, and responsible leadership culture.​
In 2018, Simone founded The Flow Experiment, an online movement to support individuals in taking accountability for the outcomes of their life, through flow principles. It is offered once per year, empowering participants to surrender to their wellbeing and follow their authentic life choices.